Underwater vision and robotics
17 to 21 October 2016
Girona (Spain)
Science and Technology Park of the University of Girona (ParcUdG)
Girona Underwater Vision and Robotics Research Centre (CIRS)
mission planning
University of Girona (UdG)
Computer Vision and Robotics Research Group (ViCOROB)
Girona Underwater Vision and Robotics Research Centre (CIRS)
Introduction to Underwater Vision
Nuno Gracias, Rafael Garcia and Ricard Campos (UdG, ViCOROB, CIRS)
Path Planning
Marc Carreras (UdG, ViCOROB, CIRS)
Topology Estimation and Global Alignment
Ricard Campos, Nuno Gracias and Rafael Garcia (UdG, ViCOROB, CIRS)
COLA2 - Component Oriented Layered-based Architecture for Autonomy
Narcís Palomeras (UdG, ViCOROB, CIRS)
COLA2 implementation
Narcís Palomeras and Juan Vega (UdG, ViCOROB, CIRS)
Building a photomosaic
Ricard Campos and Rafael Garcia (UdG, ViCOROB, CIRS)