
INESC TEC (Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência) is an Associate Laboratory with 30 years of experience in R&D and technology transfer. It is a private non-profit research institution, having as associates the University of Porto, INESC and the Polytechnic Institute of Porto.

With around 750 researchers (300 PhD), working in the interface between the academic world and the industrial and service companies, as well as the public administration, the activity at INESC TEC runs under the paradigm of the knowledge to value production chain: knowledge and results generated at basic research are typically injected in technology transfer projects and therefore they receive added social relevance.


INESC TEC is the beneficiary of the actions of the project, is in charge for the WP1 (Management) and is involved in all the work packages of the project.
INESC TEC is the leading institution in the consortium, with relevant competencies in marine robotics, control and navigation, communications and sensors. Furthermore, its participation has the objective of strengthening these competencies in the maritime science and technology areas and further raise its level of excellence.

R&D Centres

Centre for Applied Photonics (CAP)

CAP performs R&D in optoelectronics, principally focusing on optical fibre technology. It is oriented towards applied research and development in optical fibre sources, optical fibre communication, optical fibre sensors and microfabrication (thin films and integrated optics). CAP looks for opportunities for technology transfer to industrial companies using its specific competencies in optoelectronics and systems integration.

Centre for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CRAS)

CRAS conducts research and development activities in autonomous robotic systems, mobile robotics and mobile multi-robot systems for inspection, monitoring and mapping, with applications in security, power systems, environment, aquaculture, oceanography, marine biology, resource extraction, among other sectors. These activities are supported by the research in perception, navigation, control, localization, coordination, and automatic data collection and processing. 

Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM)

CTM performs research and development in key areas that will lay the foundations for modern communications networks and services such as network architectures, telecommunications services, signal and image processing, optical technologies, microelectronics, digital TV and multimedia.