



NATO STO (NATO Science & Technology Organization) is a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) subsidiary body having the same legal status than the NATO itself, and created within the framework of the Treaty signed in Washington in 1949. It has been established with a view to meeting to the best advantage the collective needs of NATO, NATO Nations and partner Nations in the fields of science and technology.


NATO STO is involved in all the work packages of the project.

NATO STO provides to the consortium the operational expertise and know-how of complex marine operations. Its knowledge and experience in underwater communication network systems is complementary to the basic acoustic science expertise of CINTAL and contributes to strengthening the consortium in the maritime communications area.

R&D Centre

Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

CMRE is an executive body of the NATO STO and is the only maritime research and technology organisation in NATO. CMRE has over 50 years’ experience in conducting maritime research in support of operational and transformation requirements.

It should be noted that CMRE research activities are solely focused on civil applications for the undersea domain and on civil solutions to maritime security problems.

What makes CMRE unique in the world of maritime research is its ability to conduct maritime research from concept formulation to validation at sea. CMRE has at its disposal two research vessels for experiments at sea, engineering research and development laboratories for acoustic and oceanographic studies and comprehensive range of equipment (autonomous vehicles, ROVs, seafloor instrumentation platforms, towed measurement/detection systems and specialised calibration facilities).

CMRE is located at La Spezia, Italy.